Welcome to our quality made Peak Music Stands

Peak Music Stands products are designed and manufactured by Shanghai Max Precision Instrument Co., LTD. For over 10 year, Shanghai Max keeps their passion of providing satisfaction and quality of "Know How" in manufacturing quality instrument stands.

To step forward, Shanghai Max team has been integrating their strength and value into Peak Music Stands, the products that bring innovation, quality, and cost effectiveness into the music industry.

In the future, Peak Music Stands will pour the greatest effort to extend the product lines, listen carefully to the customers' needs, and introduce more innovative and dependable products that are satisfied with people who love music!





PL & H International, Inc.
13430 Alondra Blvd.,
Cerritos, CA 90703

Tel: 1-877-754-4681 ; 562-623-9266
Fax: 562-623-0687

E-mail: plh.international@gmail.com






iNum: 883-510-00-826-xxxx


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